The Power Of Simplicity

We live in a society that says, the more you have, the more you can acquire, the bigger, the bolder…the better. But is the accumulation of more things, more clutter, really better?

Famed architect, Frank Lloyd Wright’s early philosophy during his “Usonian” houses period was that homes should provide not just material shelter but also the “things of the spirit” (a.k.a. space to make your spirit and heart feel good). Much of that, he posited, stems from simple but beautiful design.

Our belief, similar to Mr. Wright’s, is that beautiful design combined with thoughtful craftsmanship, then topped with simple yet moving furnishings is the perfect combination in crafting a space that you love. Intentional simplicity can be a hard but rewarding practice. Cultivating a practice of clutter-free living can be supported by starting with a space that is designed for a clutter-free lifestyle: with storage space for the necessary, not the extra; with clean lines and natural lighting; with space for reflection.

Are there places in your life that you might be ready to simplify, declutter, or redesign? Ponder that over the weekend and then give us a call or click here to contact us online when you’re ready to get started.

The art of simplicity says much with little, it values craft and creates space for living rather than for things.

This article was originally created for our weekly communications, called The Blueprint Bulletin, in which we share some inspirational content about building your life, one space at a time. If you would like to be included on our distribution list, you can sign up here.